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Obikin Tarot Drabbles
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
Additional Tags:
Drabble Collection, Drabble, too many aus to list
Published: 2023-04-01 Completed: 2023-04-11 Words: 8,288 Chapters: 3/3

Obikin Tarot Drabbles


100 word drabbles with AUs inspired by tarot cards!

Chapter 1: Major Arcana
Chapter 2: Wands + Cups
Chapter 3: Swords + Pentacles


All of these are exactly 100 words long. There are a couple explicit ones, but most are not. Consider them like a can of pringles, each of these is but a chip of a story lol one bite and hopefully some flavor <3

Major Arcana

Chapter Notes

Hey friends! I guess this could count as an April Fool's of an email notification, as it's not a chapter or oneshot, but something entirely different lol

Thanks for reading!

The Fool  |  Never Realized They Were Dating AU    

Anakin took a long drink of his beer and smiled noncommittally at the woman who was trying to chat him up. He bounced his leg, impatient for his coworker Obi-Wan to come back from the bathroom. He jumped when a familiar, unimpressed voice sounded from behind him. "That's my seat."

"Sorry!" The woman blushed. "I didn't realize you were on a date." She withdrew and left an awkward silence behind.

Anakin swallowed thickly as Obi-Wan sat, the word 'date' echoing between them. "I wouldn't mind."

"What?" Obi-Wan blinked at him rapidly, realization dawning on his face. "Oh."


The Magician |  Cursed AU    

The first time the little black cat appeared, Obi-Wan knew it wasn't an ordinary creature. Its eyes were too sharp, too knowing. His spells slid off it and told him nothing, but his intuition was rarely wrong. When the cat came back, he lured it closer with tuna and noticed that its collar was heavily enchanted.

He used silver shears and carefully cut the band, gasping with surprise when a nude man was suddenly sprawled on his lap, looking very disoriented and very beautiful. "Hello there. I'll get you some clothes."

The man coughed, his voice rough, eyes bewildered. "Thanks."


The High Priestess  |  Artist is a Prophet AU    

Obi-Wan stopped walking abruptly, staring at a large charcoal portrait hanging in the gallery window. It was his face, his jacket. His jaw hung slack as he tried to push past the overwhelming surreality. 

"It's you!" A breathless young man appeared in the open door, eyes wide. Obi-Wan shook his head in confusion, and the man smiled happily. "I knew you'd be here."


"I dream of you sometimes. My dreams always come true."

Obi-Wan shook his head again. He was sure he'd never seen the man before, he'd remember a face like that. "But that's impossible."

"Yeah, you'd think."


The Empress  |  Agricorps AU    

Anakin wasn't particularly enjoying his disciplinary 'vacation' with the Agricorps. Bandomeer was an ugly planet only marginally redeemed from ecological disaster, and everyone at the center was annoyed by him, except for Obi-Wan, who tolerated him in his greenhouse. 

He watched the happy locals enjoying their harvest festival dinner with a glower. He just wasn't a farmer, he didn't belong here. He wanted to go back to the Temple. He'd even apologize for—

"Cheer up," Obi-Wan said, sliding him a dark beer. "It's not as bad as all that."

"Is too," Anakin grumbled.

"Your attitude is—."

"—the problem, I’m aware."


The Emperor  |  Daddy Kink AU    

"Please!" Anakin whined, squirming and pushing back his hips.

"Please, what?" Obi-Wan said sternly, giving him a fond swat on the ass. "You teased me enough all day, whispering filth in my ear. I almost turned you over my knee in public."

"Sorry, I'm sorry..."

Obi-Wan swatted him again. "Sorry, what?"

"I'm sorry... daddy," Anakin whimpered and pouted. "You liked it though, I could tell."

"Liked what?"

"Me saying it," Anakin whined. "Daddy..."

"That's right," Obi-Wan leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "Daddy will give you what you need, but you must be patient."

Anakin groaned. "Thank you, daddy."


The Hierophant  |  Priest AU    

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said with a mixed thrill of pleasure and fear that comes from a deeply inappropriate crush. "Come in, take a seat."

"Thanks, father. Sorry to bother you, I know you're busy."

"What troubles you?"

Anakin, young, lovely, and married, looked him desperately in the eye. "It's Padmé, I can't... I don't... Our marriage is in trouble, father, and it's my..."


"My fault."

"Why's that?" Obi-Wan asked softly.

"She wants children, but I can't... I can't do it. My thoughts are... impure, father."

Obi-Wan sighed. "Surely that'd help."

"No," Anakin said miserably. "I can only think of... you."


The Lovers  |  Rival Crime Families AU    

Anakin smoked anxiously outside of the train station, checking his phone over and over. Obi-Wan was running uncharacteristically late and hadn't texted.

"Hello, dear one," Obi-Wan said, his voice so warm. "Sorry to make you wait."

Anakin startled and then melted, his anxiety gone with the sight of Obi-Wan's smile. He'd been raised to think the Jedi were the enemy, but Obi-Wan had defied all his expectations.

"Are you ready to go?" Obi-Wan tipped his head toward an unremarkable sedan. "Bought it in cash from Hondo."

Anakin grinned. "Can I drive?"

Obi-Wan tossed him keys. "Let's get out of here."


The Chariot  |  Formula 1 AU    

Anakin was dripping with champagne and floating in a haze of victory, the sound of the US anthem echoing in his ears. He'd done it, he couldn't believe it. Winning the driver's championship didn't feel real, and wouldn't, not until he found his coach. He wound through the paddock searching for Obi-Wan.

"There you are," Anakin said with relief, spotting him across the garage.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan smiled. He opened his arms and Anakin dove into the hug, squeezing him tight. "Well done."

"I'm all sticky."

Obi-Wan huffed a laugh, rubbing a hand up and down his back. "I don't care."


Strength  |  Veterinarian AU    

"Artoo will be fine," Obi-Wan said gently, watching the handsome young man pace and wring his hands. "This happens more than you might think."

"It's my fault," Anakin whispered, face pained. He ran a hand through his hair, tugging on his brassy curls. "He was so sick. I should have been more careful."

Obi-Wan sighed. "Dogs are notorious for eating things they shouldn't. They love cloth. I can get it with an endoscope, he doesn't need surgery."

"He'll really be ok?" Anakin stopped pacing, swallowing thickly. "Promise?"

Obi-Wan nodded kindly. "Just be careful about leaving socks out in the future."


The Hermit  |  Tatooine Dreams AU  

Obi-Wan knew he was dreaming when Anakin walked towards him, emerging from a mirage and drawing closer across the flat expanse of sand, his unburned face achingly painful to see. Obi-Wan was standing over their buried sabers, the dream sending them both to the place where their old lives were buried together.

The ghost of Anakin smiled sweetly at him, and it broke his heart. "What are you doing out here all alone, Master?"

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said, the word pulled out despite himself. He drank the sight in his old Padawan, so perfectly handsome. "I'm not alone when you're here."


Wheel of Fortune  |  Vegas AU    

Anakin wasn't exactly sure how he ended up in the bathroom with a stranger's hand on his cock, but he wasn't complaining. He'd finished his shift dealing poker and the player left the table at the same time, wordlessly drifting together and then making out fiercely against the wall as soon as the door was closed.

"Please," he whimpered, and the man sucked on his neck, his beard perfectly scratchy. He'd been so sexy winning over and over, Anakin had felt captured by his eyes. "I want—"

"I know, darling," he said, twisting his wrist. "I'll take care of you."


Justice  |  Batman AU    

"Vader, wait," Detective Kenobi called out after him, and Anakin paused before disappearing over the roof ledge.

He looked back, lowering and roughening his voice. "What?"

"Just..." Obi-Wan pressed his lips together, his hand twitching. "Be careful this time. No unnecessary risks."

Anakin resisted rolling his eyes. Obi-Wan was using the same cautious voice he used around Anakin-the-former-orphan when he wasn't in costume. Not that Obi-Wan knew Anakin was Vader. "Nothing I can't handle."

"They're heavily armed."

"So am I."

"It's military grade."

"So's mine," Anakin ground out. "Anything else, Detective?"

"No," Obi-Wan sighed, looking at his watch. "Just... be safe."


The Hanged Man  |  God AU    

Anakin adjusted his flower crown self-consciously, looking around the meadow. He knew it was a great honor to be the one given to Obi-Wan to renew the land's covenant, but he couldn't help but be nervous.

"Relax," a gently accented voice came out of the mist, followed by the most handsome man Anakin had ever seen. "You are perfectly safe, Anakin." He drew close enough to stroke a thumb on Anakin's cheekbone, and smelled like fresh cut grass and spilled blood. "Beautiful and pure. Untouched, aren't you? They spoil me."

Anakin blushed and fidgeted, uncomfortable in his itchy ceremonial robe.


Death  |  Reincarnation AU    

"Grande cappuccino for Ben!" Anakin read out, voice pitched up to cut through the chaos. The airport Starbucks was absurdly busy, and Anakin was operating on limited sleep. "Ben!"

"That's mine, I believe," a smooth voice said, and Anakin looked up with interest at a handsome man in a beige sweater.

He held out the cup, and his fingers brushed with stranger's. He gasped, almost dizzy with an onrush of memories, the noise of the airport slipping away as his vision tunneled. "Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan was looking equally astonished, blinking fast. He shook his head and squinted, voice quietly incredulous. "... Anakin?"


Temperance  |  Guardian Angel AU    

Anakin woke up slowly and then all at once, his memory of the motorcycle crash returning with a burst of adrenaline. He recognized the woozy feeling of pain medication and the harsh, artificial lighting of the E.R. He must have fallen asleep.  

"Awake, are we?"

Anakin rolled his head to the side to frown at a bearded stranger in a strange white robe. "Hello?"

"You make it extremely difficult to take care of you, you know."

"What?" Anakin slurred, unsure why the pretty, strange man was mad at him. "Do I know you?"

"It's more that I know you, Anakin."


The Devil  |  Sith AU    

Obi-Wan knew his addiction to Anakin's body was a weakness but he didn't care. He'd thrown everything away for the taste of him, the forbidden thrill of taking him, the sweet whines and obscene moans he made when stuffed full of cock. His apprentice begged to be ruined so beautifully, it was impossible to resist.

Sitting on his throne with Anakin's bliss radiating out in the Force was intoxicating, the wet heat of Anakin's mouth around his cock as he kept him warm was perfect. He pet his curls fondly, and Anakin hummed, drool dripping to the floor.

"Messy boy."


The Tower  |  Zombie AU    

A pickup squealed to a stop, running over the zombie that was about to take a bite out of Obi-Wan's face. A man stuck his head out the window. "Get in!"

Obi-Wan remained frozen for a second before stumbling over himself to get inside and slam the door. The stranger immediately floored it, and Obi-Wan fumbled for a seatbelt. "Thanks."

"Lucky I was there. It almost had you."

Obi-Wan nodded and caught his breath, looking with horror at the carnage around them as the man drove them out of town. He didn't ask where they were going. He didn't care.


The Star  |  Emotional Hurt/Comfort AU    

Obi-Wan found Anakin in his bunk by following the Force. It felt spiky and tremulous, a maelstrom of discomfort, and it led directly to him.

"It will be alright, Anakin."

"It won't. They're dead. We lost." He sobbed, throwing his datapad at the wall and cracking it. He was panicking. "There's no point to all this!"

"Padawan," Obi-Wan murmured, heart aching. "Have hope. We will rally and retake the planet. We will win this battle."

"What about the war?" Anakin sniffed. "It feels like we're losing and it'll never end."

"It will end, I promise, and there will be peace."


The Moon  |  Werewolf AU    

Anakin howled at the moon, and the russet wolf joined in to match his call. He playfully bit at his best friend's feet and tried to get him to wrestle. They'd been meeting up in the forest for years, but had never stayed together until dawn. Tonight was different though, and Anakin kept his friend out later than ever.

Changing back was never fun, but there was a relief to be able to talk. He looked up and balked—his handsome boss was sitting where his friend the wolf had been, looking extremely perplexed. "Anakin? What are you doing here?"


The Sun  |  Soulmates AU 

Obi-Wan smiled at the cute bartender, and invited him over with a wave. As the cruise ship's head sommelier, he liked to be familiar with all of the restaurant's new staff. "I hear you're the man to call for a flaming cocktail."

"What the fuck?" His angelic face was twisted with horror. "Shit! Oh god, sorry! I mean... Hi."

"I said your words, I take it?" Obi-Wan grinned, rolling up his sleeve to show the bartender the string of profanities he'd left on his arm. "These certainly were fun at school."

He touched them with a wince. "I'm so sorry."


Judgment  |  Lawyers AU    

The phone rang several times before Obi-Wan picked up, and Anakin bounced on the balls of his feet with anticipation, needing to share the news. “Not guilty!”

"Hello?" Obi-Wan said, before processing the words Anakin had blurted out. "Very good, Anakin!"

Anakin's cheeks immediately flushed at the praise from his mentor. It was all he'd been seeking for years, since he was a mixed up teenager with a kind public defender. "Thanks to your training, Obi-Wan."

"This is the first case you've done on your own, and it went very well," Obi-Wan said warmly. "I couldn't be prouder."

Anakin grinned.


The World  |  Bodyguard AU 

Obi-Wan was pleasantly buzzed, riding high on victory from winning the Oscar and drunk off champagne from the afterparty. He fondly watched his favorite bodyguard's stern profile as he drove them back to his house in the hills. "You could smile. I won the thing."

Anakin shot him a dark look, adorably grumpy. "You didn't have to flirt with everyone there."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "What you call 'flirting' is usually called pleasant conversation, Anakin, we've discussed this."

"Well, I don't like it. I could barely find you, let alone guard you."

"I know, darling," Obi-Wan cooed, and Anakin flushed.

Wands + Cups

Chapter Notes

Hello, friends! Have some more story chips :)

Ace of Wands  |  Strangers Traveling Together AU    

"C'mon..." Anakin said winningly. "Live a little."

Obi-Wan gave him a flat look, declining the proffered candied cricket. Anakin just shrugged and popped it in his mouth with a crunch and a grin. "More for me."

Obi-Wan shook his head, still in disbelief that he'd been talked out of his carefully planned trip itinerary by a pretty boy at the hostel, who apparently ate bugs, and he still wanted him with a fierceness that surprised him. "Where next?"

Anakin looked around the busy market and seemed to pick a direction at random. "I have a good feeling about... this way."


Two of Wands  |  Infidelity AU    

Anakin moaned, pushing his face into the pillow as Obi-Wan held him down, slipping his cock in so deep that Anakin felt split apart, his body matching his mind. The pleasure as Obi-Wan purposely fucked against his prostate was overwhelming. "Please..."

Obi-Wan bit at his ear, hips speeding up. "Take it so well, darling."

Anakin shuddered. All he'd ever wanted was Obi-Wan's praise, his approval. He shoved away memories of his wife kissing the same spot on his neck, shoved away the guilt of seeking pleasure against his vows. She should have expected it. He was faithless. "More, please, Master..."


Three of Wands  |  Long Distance AU    

Obi-Wan checked his phone, his heart racing and palms sweaty. Anakin had texted that the plane had landed, and would be out soon. Obi-Wan still couldn't believe that he was coming, couldn't believe years of friendship online had recently transitioned to something more than friendship.


Anakin jogged closer, his backpack slung loosely over a shoulder, curls bouncing, and he was so beautiful.

"You're tall," Obi-Wan said dumbly as Anakin crushed him in a hug.

"I told you," Anakin pulled back, face slightly flushed, adorably awkward.

Obi-Wan tentatively cupped his face with a palm, thumb stroking gently. "Hello, dear one."


Four of Wands  |  Step-Brothers AU    

Anakin moaned loudly, and Obi-Wan slapped a hand over his mouth, giving him a disappointed look, squeezing his cock just on the pleasant side of too rough. "Be quiet, Anakin."

Anakin nodded dumbly, clenching his jaw and leaking precome all over Obi-Wan's fist as he stroked him faster. The music of Shmi and Qui-Gon's reception was muffled in the coat room, the sound of their heavy breathing was so loud. This was wrong, but he didn't care.

"Please," Anakin said against Obi-Wan's palm, making him remove it so he could talk. "Can I suck you?"

Obi-Wan exhaled hard. "Come first."


Five of Wands  |  Roommates AU    

Anakin glowered as Obi-Wan replaced his row of houses with hotels. It was absolutely insufferable how he managed to be good at a game that was primarily based on luck. He always found a way to win.

"Your turn," Obi-Wan said, voice knowing and smug.

Anakin grabbed and rolled the dice, staring blankly at the total and the implication. Obi-Wan smirked and reached for his card, to tell Anakin the obscene total, that would absolutely take him to the edge of bankruptcy, and Anakin suddenly had enough.

Obi-Wan seemed to read his expression. "Don't—"

Anakin flipped the board anyway. "Oops!"


Six of Wands  |  Chef AU    

"Kenobi is here? Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Anakin repeated numbly, his attention wandering from what he was supposed to be doing. The famous food critic was here, at his restaurant. He couldn't believe it. He hastily plated the entree, the kitchen around him moving like a well oiled, chaotic machine. 

He slipped away to go peer into the dining area, needing to verify with his own eyes. There was the familiar sandy hair and beard, blue eyes, critical stare—it was really him. Obi-Wan's gaze somehow found his, and he felt a thrill down his spine. His food had to be perfect.


Seven of Wands  |  Cop AU    

"Why did you do it?" Anakin wanted to shake Obi-Wan, yell at him for throwing everything away. They were supposed to be a team.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said firmly. "I could not in good conscience be silent once I discovered the corruption on the force."

"But..." Anakin wanted to cry. "You got fired."

"Whistleblowing tends to have that effect," Obi-Wan said drily. He placed a heavy hand on Anakin's shoulder. "I won't tell you what to do, dear one, but please be careful."


Obi-Wan grimaced. "Krell and the others know how fond I am of you. There may be... reprisals."


Eight of Wands  |   Grindr AU    

Obi-Wan hissed, biting down on his thumb to stay quiet as the beautiful, young pilot hummed around his cock. He couldn't believe he was getting head in an airport bathroom, but his layover had been long, and the chirp of grindr had proved an irresistible lure. He stroked a hand through messy curls, and rolled his hips despite himself, fucking deeper into the wet heat of his mouth. The man took it, eyes rolling back with delight.

"Perfect, so perfect." He was getting close. "I'm going to come."

The man pulled off to breathe, and beamed. "Let me taste it."


Nine of Wands  |  Hanahaki Disease AU    

Obi-Wan ended the comm and coughed painfully, ignoring the unimpressed sideways look that Cody threw him. The pain of flowers growing in his lungs was familiar at this point, and he'd expected this anyway—speaking to Anakin seemed to have this effect these days.

He knew that his feelings for his former Padawan were killing him, but couldn't make himself care. He hacked up a tiny blossom, and caught his breath, squaring his shoulders. "Time to break the blockade. Take us in."

"Sir..." Cody sighed, his concern about Obi-Wan's condition well established. Obi-Wan just looked back, eyebrows raised. "Yes, sir."


Ten of Wands  |  Financial Planner AU    

Anakin nervously flipped through the folder of financial documents he'd printed out, waiting for his appointment to restructure his debt. He was getting absolutely crushed by medical and student loans, and found out about this program that helped people like him.

"Mr. Skywalker?" The receptionist smiled, and showed him back. She knocked twice on the door-frame of a small office. "Your 11 o'clock is here, Mr. Kenobi."

"Thank you," a handsome bearded man in a tidy suit looked up from his computer, gesturing to Anakin to sit. He accepted the folder, flipping through it. "Let's see what we can do."


Page of Wands  |  Babysitter AU    

Obi-Wan dropped his keys in the bowl and stepped out of his shoes, completely exhausted. Work had been taxing and all he wanted to do was drink his weight in scotch and pass out. He heard the sounds of happy babbling coming from the living room and wandered over, smiling gently as he saw his au pair playing with his daughter.

Anakin noticed him, and grinned. "Come join, Mr. Kenobi. We're building a starship."

Obi-Wan was drawn closer, his exhaustion fading away somewhat under Anakin's enthusiastic charm. He grinned, realizing Ahsoka was more occupied with taking Anakin's work apart. "Sure."


Knight of Wands  |  Pirate AU    

Obi-Wan watched, nonplussed, as a new group of pirates invaded the compound and fought the pirates who had taken him captive. A handsome, young man with an air of command came to stand in front of his cell, tapping his blaster against the side of his leg thoughtfully. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Ben," Obi-Wan said cautiously.

"No, you're not," the man frowned, and Obi-Wan felt his Force signature be prodded by untrained but powerful tendrils. "How the kriff did Hondo capture a Jedi?"

Obi-Wan flushed, not wanting to admit the truth of getting drugged. "Got lucky, I suppose."


Queen of Wands  |  Personal Trainer AU    

Obi-Wan disliked almost everything about the gym except for Anakin, his insufferably demanding and cheerful personal trainer. He wasn't sure how he'd been assigned someone who was simultaneously so perfect and intolerable. He provided the perfect motivation to get fit, despite the indignity of the effort required.

"15 more seconds," Anakin said, looking between his wrist and Obi-Wan's plank position. "Stop dropping your hips."

Obi-Wan groaned and fixed his posture, pulling his hips back and breathing through the discomfort. He looked up at Anakin, and noticed his wide eyes and the faint blush on his cheeks. "Done?"

Anakin swallowed. "Sure."


King of Wands  |  Director AU    

"I need to talk to Anakin," Obi-Wan murmured to his AD. "Tell everyone to go to lunch."

He left before getting a reply, stroking his beard as he walked to Anakin's RV, unsure of what he was going to say.

Anakin looked up sullenly from where he was slumped on his couch. "What's wrong this time?"

Obi-Wan sighed. "I know you think I'm too critical, Anakin, but I need you to take this seriously."

"I'm doing my best," Anakin huffed.

Obi-Wan let disappointment shade his voice. "I know you can do better. Stop rushing."

Anakin swallowed, dropping his eyes. "Sorry."


Ace of Cups  |  Force Ghost AU    

Anakin closed his eyes one final time and let the dark take him, surrendering himself to the living Force, expecting oblivion.


Anakin heard without ears, and looked without eyes as a gentle, familiar light approached in the placeless, timeless void. Somehow, it was Obi-Wan. Anakin was a being of pure emotion, and all he felt was regret and remorse.

"Master," he spoke without words. "I'm so sorry."

The light was so warm and Anakin marveled at a feeling of benediction. Obi-Wan's heart spoke to his own, communication at a fundamental level. "I have one thing left to teach you."


Two of Cups  |  Green Card Marriage AU    

Anakin settled into his seat on the plane, shooting a sideways look at Obi-Wan. For once, they weren't traveling to a conference together, but instead going on a 'honeymoon' to cement their deception. Anakin would've done anything to keep his business partner in the country, including proposing.

Obi-Wan smiled at him, the unspoken tension easing slightly, the awkwardness that had followed them since the trip to the courthouse. "I must admit I'm excited to get away from all the snow."

Anakin laughed. "I've been trying to get you to take a vacation for years, and all it took was.. this."


Three of Cups  |  Former Teacher AU  

"Mr. Kenobi," Anakin said, disbelief shading his voice. "What are you doing here?"

Obi-Wan Kenobi, his favorite teacher from high school, was standing next to his mom, and looked so proud. "I heard someone was graduating."

Anakin flushed, adjusting the tassel on his cap. It had been four years since he'd seen Obi-Wan, not since his high school graduation, and he'd missed him. "Thank you for coming."

Obi-Wan clapped a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently. "Wouldn't miss it. I'm very proud of you. Congratulations, Anakin."

Anakin swallowed thickly, trying not to seem too pleased. "Are you coming to dinner?"


Four of Cups  |  Therapist AU    

Anakin crossed his arms and slumped, staring at the fishtank in the behavioral health waiting area. He felt the absence of his right forearm painfully, despising how the explosion had destroyed his body. He had not adjusted well back to civilian life, and had been going through therapists as his attitude chewed them up and spat them out.

"Anakin?" A mild, accented voice made him look up and swallow thickly. His new therapist was uncomfortably hot, with such kind, blue eyes. He stood dumbly and followed Dr. Kenobi back to his office, still reeling. Would this be better? Or worse?


Five of Cups  |  Grief AU    

Obi-Wan knocked on his neighbor's front door, nervously adjusting his hold on the lasagna he'd made. He didn't want to impose, but he also knew that Anakin might be alone, and he needed company. His wife had died in childbirth, and the babies were being watched by friends and family as he grieved.

The door opened, and Anakin looked at him blankly, his hair filthy, dark shadows under his eyes. Obi-Wan held up the dish, gentling his voice. "I brought food."

"I'm not hungry."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "You need to eat."

"Fine," Anakin stepped aside to let him in.


Six of Cups  |  Childhood Friends AU    

Obi-Wan pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shorts, feeling sloppy drunk and reckless. Anakin was stripping beside them, both of them reaching a point of intoxication where skinny dipping in the lake seemed like the best decision either had ever had. Just like when they were kids, goofing off at their families' adjacent lake cabins.

"Hurry up, old man," Anakin chirped at him, tugging off his underwear, his inexplicably adult body making Obi-Wan's mouth go dry. "Race you there." He smiled fondly as Anakin bolted out the dock and off the end, jumping in with a tremendous splash.


Seven of Cups  |  Speed Dating AU    

"What's going on here?"

Anakin looked up sharply, interested at once by the sound of the stranger's voice. He was just as handsome as he'd hoped. "Speed dating. You here for that?"

The man shook his head, taking a sip of his wine. "Any luck?"

"None," Anakin huffed. "I lost a bet. Have to do 5 more rounds." The stranger studied him, and he flushed under his observation. "What?"

"I'm Obi-Wan." The stranger held out a hand, and he shook it numbly. The man was really absurdly good looking, dressed so sharp.


"Want to get out of here?"



Eight of Cups  |   Royalty AU    

Obi-Wan hadn't exactly expected Anakin to be happy to see him, but he also hadn't expected a drink in the face. He sighed, wiping his eyes. "Your Highness..."

"How did you find me so fucking fast?" Anakin slurred. He glared, his brow furrowed. "Nobody saw me leave the palace. I made sure."

Obi-Wan gave him a flat look. "If you don't think I'm having you constantly surveilled, you are mistaken, sir."

Anakin groaned. "Don't.. stop 'sirring' me. I hate it. You used to call me Anakin."

"You were a boy, not my prince."

Anakin huffed, standing and swaying. "Let's go."


Nine of Cups  |  Olympics AU    

"Nine medals, Obi-Wan," Anakin grinned, stretching out on his bed in his room in the Olympic Village. "The 100m butterfly makes nine."

His coach sighed fondly, folding his sweatshirt and putting it away. "I have been keeping count, Anakin."

"Can I have a reward?" Anakin pouted, batting his eyelashes, hoping maybe this time it would work. Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, and Anakin hoped he was actually considering it. He'd never touched him like that before, but Anakin was wearing him down, he knew it. "Please?"

Obi-Wan scratched his beard. "Do you want me to quit?"

Anakin blanched. "No!"

"No, then."


Ten of Cups  |  Just Married AU    

Anakin let Obi-Wan cut the cake, for some reason it just felt right. The reception was lit by strings of golden lights, and everything seemed to glow with warmth. The small room was full of all their friends and family, and Anakin felt so impossibly loved. He didn't know it was possible to feel this connected and supported, it was like magic.  

He accepted the small piece of cake Obi-Wan offered him, and grinned, smashing and rubbing cake all over his husband's face as everyone laughed. Obi-Wan returned the favor with glee, and Anakin licked the sugar from his lips.


Page of Cups  |  Kindergarten Teacher AU    

Anakin let Luke tug him into the classroom for his first conference with his kindergarten teacher. Luke had done nothing but babble about how nice and smart Mr. Kenobi was for weeks, and Anakin thought that his son had developed something like a crush. He was excited to meet the person who'd inspired such fascination.

"Luke," Mr. Kenobi looked up from where he was flipping through papers. He smiled kindly, and Anakin forgot how to breathe. "You must be Mr. Skywalker."

"Yeah," Anakin said blankly, blinking fast. Luke tugged on his hand, and he smiled down at him. "Right. Hello."


Knight of Cups  |  Musician AU    

Obi-Wan watched with pride and fierce longing as Anakin sang the song that made him famous. His voice was so beautiful, and his eyes expressed so much emotion as he sang. He was performing on SNL, and had truly made it to a level of stardom that his old music teacher would never have dared imagine. Anakin deserved it, he was so talented.

The song ended, and Anakin stared directly at the camera, his voice husky. "Obi-Wan, if you're watching, stop avoiding my calls. I miss you."

Obi-Wan blinked, his jaw dropping. His phone began to buzz; he ignored it. 


Queen of Cups  |  Force dyad AU    

Obi-Wan felt the Force bend and his bond with Anakin became vibrant and alive despite being separated by parsecs. He looked around for his Padawan, concern rising in his chest. The bond only connected with Anakin needed him most, whenever he was teetering on the edge of something unforgivable.

"Master," Anakin's voice ground out, fury and despair bubbling in the Force. "The Separatists have taken Seleucami. There was nothing I could do."

Obi-Wan approached carefully, reaching out and drawing Anakin into a hug, opening his heart in the Force to accept his toxic emotions. "Peace. We will fight another day."


King of Cups  |  Never Left Tatooine AU   

Anakin didn't want the Jedi to leave. His presence was like the coolest, freshest water that he'd never had; it soothed and quenched something that he'd never been able to calm before. He sighed, knowing better than to ask. "You're all good to go."

"Really?" Ben asked, and he sounded almost as reluctant to leave as Anakin was for him to go. The last three days together had been magic, surely he felt it too?

Anakin nodded, viciously crushing down his tears. "Yeah. All done."

Ben tentatively cupped his face, eyes so kind. "I'll return."


Obi-Wan nodded once. "Yes."

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed more of the obikin infinite universe. They will always love each other, in every life, in every world. <3

Swords + Pentacles

Chapter Notes

Here we go! Enjoy the last batch of drabbles! <3

Ace of Swords  |  Amnesia AU    

Obi-Wan set his jaw before entering the Halls of Healing, prepared for how difficult it was to do his daily check-in with Anakin. His former apprentice was healing well from the head wound that pulled him off the front, but he had lost all of his memories. The way he looked at Obi-Wan without recognition felt like a knife between his ribs.

He found Master Che in Anakin's room, and knocked on the doorframe, announcing his presence.

Anakin's head snapped up, eyes bright. "Obi-Wan!"

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan said tentatively, heart pounding. "You... remember me?"

"I could never forget you forever, Master."


Two of Swords  |  Time Loop AU    

Anakin woke up, checked his com, and scowled. The same messages were there that had been there the last ten times he'd woken up. The Force had him trapped in some kind of endless repetition of the same day, and he didn't understand why. He would just stay in bed, but last time he did that, he'd just woken up again. Still trapped.

He rolled out of bed and dressed, making his way to the bridge, nodding at all the same people. Obi-Wan was there stroking his beard, looking just as handsome as ever. "Good morning, Anakin."

Anakin sighed. "Morning."


Three of Swords  |  Divorce AU    

Obi-Wan kept his eyes forward on the judge, resisting the urge to look to his left over at Anakin. It had been a short but acrimonious process for their lawyers to negotiate their divorce. Anakin was furious and wanted everything; Obi-Wan was grieving and just wanted to leave with dignity. He wasn't the one who'd become a mean drunk. He shouldn't have to leave his home.

"And he's been released on his own recognizance?" the judge clarified, looking over his glasses at Anakin's lawyer. Obi-Wan closed his eyes, trying to forget the fight that got Anakin arrested.

"Correct, your honor."


Four of Swords  |  Ballet AU    

Anakin grimaced as he landed wrong on the ankle that had been bothering him for weeks. He could feel Obi-Wan's eyes, and tried to mask his pain and move on quickly. He refused to lose his solo debut, but the ballet master had warned him that he 'refused to allow his dancers to permanently injure themselves' or whatever.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan's voice cut across the music, and he beckoned him over. "You cannot pretend it's not getting worse."

Anakin shook his head. "It's fine!"

"It's demonstrably not." Obi-Wan sighed. "I'm sorry, but Ferus will substitute."

"You can't—"

"I can and will."


Five of Swords  |  Raised Sith AU    

Obi-Wan caught his breath, his heart pounding with the thrill of combat. He'd chased the maddeningly handsome young Sith all through the blue crystal building, had willingly sprung his trap, and they had fought to an impasse. They circled each other, lightsabers raised. "Bringing me here was a mistake, my sweet. You've overestimated your abilities."

The young Sith flushed at the pet name, and then smirked. "Come and get me!"

He pivoted and ran, and Obi-Wan cursed under his breath, continuing the chase until the Sith cut through a window, showing off his reinforcements with glee. "You've been betrayed, Obi-Wan!"


Six of Swords  |  Porn Stars AU    

Anakin whined and shuddered as Obi-Wan finished inside him. It was almost possible for a moment to forget the cameras, forget the crowd of people. Obi-Wan's thick cock always made him stupid. Obi-Wan pulled out and showed his come to the camera, and then the scene was over.  

Obi-Wan smiled at him as they dressed, always so friendly. "How's Padmé?"

Anakin bit his lip, meeting his eyes before looking away. "We broke up."

"What?" Obi-Wan looked like he'd missed a step going down stairs. 

"I'm single."

Obi-Wan swallowed. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not," Anakin shrugged. "It was time to move on."


Seven of Swords  |  Thieves AU    

"Where are you?" Obi-Wan grumbled into his earpiece. "Anakin, check in."

"Calm down, old man," Anakin sounded suspiciously out of breath. "I've got the diamond, but there are about ten guards between me and the exit."

"I suppose you want me to do something about that?"

Anakin huffed a laugh. "If you want."

Obi-Wan watched the party and considered the best way to distract the guards. "Like Monte Carlo?"

"First or second time?"


Anakin swore. "Sure, just hurry up."

Obi-Wan left him to sneak undisturbed and straightened his tie. Time to do what he did best—take a beating.


Eight of Swords  |   Prison AU    

Obi-Wan was a smooth talker, and always had been. He'd always been able to persuade anyone of anything, and it had eventually gotten him in trouble. He'd ended up in prison for a very long sentence, caught up in a RICO indictment. He'd gained a position of power inside, and kept it through... negotiation.

"There's the new guy," Cody pointed him out in the yard. "Triple homicide."

"Really," Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.

"Krell wants him."

"He is quite pretty." Obi-Wan studied him. "How old?"

"20? Maybe?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "Bring him in."

"You sure?"

"He will get eaten alive otherwise."



Nine of Swords  |  Nightmares AU    

The convoy was under fire again. Anakin was surrounded and pinned down. His entire squad was dying around him. It was chaos, smoke, and pain. So loud, so loud. The grenade—

He sat up, breathing hard, sweaty and twisted in his blankets.

"Easy," Obi-Wan's gentle voice wound its way into his awareness. "Easy, Anakin. You're okay."

"Obi-Wan," Anakin exhaled. He shook his head, trying to clear his vision, forget the screams. "They're dead. They're all dead."

"I know, Anakin," Obi-Wan said with aching tenderness. "May I touch you?"

Anakin nodded, shivering as Obi-Wan's arms surrounded him and held him tight.


Ten of Swords  |  Secret Relationship AU    

Anakin slapped down the magazine in front of his favorite person in the world, his former co-star that he'd fallen hard for on their last movie, and had continued meeting up and falling into bed for months now. "You're single?"

Obi-Wan had the grace to at least look guilty. "Anakin, you know it's not possible to go public."

"Why not?"

"You know why," Obi-Wan sighed. "Hollywood is far more conservative than it seems."

"I don't care," Anakin sniffed, trying hard not to cry. "I'm tired of hiding. I'm tired of being a dirty little secret. I'm done."


"I'm done!"


Page of Swords  |  Librarian AU    

"How's it going?"

Obi-Wan was startled, and checked the clock on the wall. It was indeed lunchtime, and Anakin had arrived at the library. He rarely checked out books, more content to hang out at the check out desk and bother Obi-Wan. Not that Obi-Wan minded—Anakin had somehow become both a routine and the highlight of his day.

"All quiet here. How are classes?"

Anakin rolled his eyes. "These gen recs are going to be the death of me. Want to write a paper on Odyssey for me?"

"Not particularly," Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "It'll be good for you."


Knight of Swords  |  Secret Agent AU    

"Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, Obi-Wan," Anakin said, voice weak and yet maddeningly cavalier. Obi-Wan didn't understand how he stayed so stupidly unconcerned despite the fact that he had been stabbed. Twice. "Don't lecture me. I extracted the asset."

"You didn't withdraw, despite my explicit orders."

"My earpiece wasn't working," Anakin lied, wincing as the medic began to give him stitches.

"It was," Obi-Wan growled. "If it were up to me, you'd be barred from field work until you learn your place."

"It's not, though," Anakin smirked. "Results matter more than my arm, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan glared at him. "I'm aware."


Queen of Swords  |  Time Travel AU    

Obi-Wan looked with suspicion at the Anakin who was not Anakin—his Force signature was all wrong, his eyes different. "Who are you?"

Anakin-not-Anakin shook his head. "I don't have much time, Master. I come from the future to warn you. The Sith Master is Chancellor Palpatine."

Obi-Wan's jaw dropped. "What?"

Anakin examined his prosthetic arm. "This means I've already killed a tribe of Sand People. Take me away from the Order. I'm married to Padmé. Take me to Naboo. Save the Jedi. Don't trust the clones..." he faded into nothing.

Obi-Wan stared blankly at where he'd been. What the kriff...


King of Swords  |  BDSM AU    

"Be quiet," Obi-Wan corrected him without mercy. "That was your final warning."

Anakin nodded, tugging against the ropes and pushing his ass into Obi-Wan's hand. Obi-Wan spanked him hard on one cheek and then the other, the contact painful on the skin already slapped pink. "You were such a brat today. It was unacceptable."

Anakin just nodded again, desperate to be good. He could barely move, all he could do was take Obi-Wan's discipline. He suppressed a moan as he felt slick fingers tease his hole.

"Very good," Obi-Wan praised, voice was rich and low, and Anakin flushed with pride.


Ace of Pentacles  |  Camboy AU    

Anakin loved performing for the camera. He loved knowing that he was desired like this, the object of so much lust. It was addicting and rewarding. His camwork paid for college, so there was really no downside, except sometimes it was a little lonely.

He stroked his cock, and bit his lip. It had been a slow stream, but one of his regulars had finally showed up. Ben always paid so well, for so little—just moan "Master" as he came, which really wasn't that hard. He opened his legs, showing off as he began to finger himself. "Hi, Master..."


Two of Pentacles  |  Sick AU    

Anakin sniffled miserably and drew the blanket tighter around his shoulders. He was on the couch at home, working hard on the code that he needed to push as soon as possible. He just couldn't think clearly, and sitting up was miserable, but he needed to finish.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said with exasperation. "Light of my life. My love. Darling husband. How did you find your laptop?"

"You always hide it in the same spot," Anakin grumbled. "I'm almost done!"

"You need to rest," Obi-Wan stressed, bringing him soup, attempting to close his laptop on his fingers. "Stop this now."


Three of Pentacles  |  Medieval Guild AU    

Obi-Wan examined the masterpiece that his apprentice would present soon as a proof of skill to be admitted to the guild as a master silversmith. He held the artfully chased band up to the lamp, appreciating the intricate work. "This is phenomenal, Anakin."

"Really?" Anakin bit his lip, shifting nervously. "You think?"

Obi-Wan nodded, setting it down on the workbench. "I think you're a better silversmith than I will ever be."

"What? That's impossible."

Obi-Wan smiled fondly, and clapped him on the shoulder, squeezing gently. "You are a wonder."

Anakin leaned into his touch. "All thanks to your training, Master."


Four of Pentacles  |  Jealousy AU    

Obi-Wan saw Anakin smile and laugh, head tossed back, and he was so beautiful. He wanted to take him away, steal him and keep him to himself, which he knew was wrong, but it hurt to share something with the general public that was his.

Anakin seemed to feel his eyes and looked over, shaking his head with exasperated fondness. He excused himself from where he was talking to his ex and made his way across the crowded ballroom. Obi-Wan watched him approach, the monster in his chest calming down with every step.

"Relax, Obi-Wan," Anakin kissed him. "I'm yours."


Five of Pentacles  |  Deserted Planet AU  

"They're not coming."

"They are," Obi-Wan sighed. "Don't give into despair, it's not helpful."

"It's the truth though," Anakin scooted closer to the fire, desperately trying to stay warm. He hated this miserable ice-ball of a planet. Nobody lived here, nobody could help.

"You don't know that."

"I do!" Anakin snapped. "There's no way for them to find us. No beacon. We're trapped here and nobody knows."

Obi-Wan just poked the fire, scratching his beard. His worry was evident, for all that he wouldn't admit it. "No matter the trial, we keep pushing forward, Padawan mine. We'll find a way."


Six of Pentacles  |  Homeless AU      

Anakin was cold. The sun set early in November, and he wanted to spend as little time as possible near the homeless shelter where he usually slept. He kept his cardboard sign up, his amputated arm clutching it to his chest as he pet his dog's head.

"What's his name?"

Anakin glanced up suspiciously at a fancy looking businessman who'd stopped. He recognized him as someone who walked by daily. He must live nearby. "Artoo."

The man smiled, pulling out his wallet. "He seems like a good dog."

Anakin's eyes widened at the offered stack of cash. "He's the best."


Seven of Pentacles  |  Patron of the Arts AU   

Obi-Wan felt slightly foolish as he got off his horse and fixed his gloves. He knew that as the patron of Anakin, he was entitled to visit his studio and see what he was working on, but interrupting the handsome genius always felt self-indulgent in a way not related to his art.

Anakin didn't look up from his sketchbook as Obi-Wan came in, and Obi-Wan looked down over his shoulder. "It that—"

"A flying machine," Anakin said distractedly, tossing his curls, shirt untucked and open at the collar, showing his throat. "It's possible."

Obi-Wan smiled indulgently. "Of course it is."


Eight of Pentacles   |  Inventor AU    

Anakin cracked his knuckles, frowning at his computer screen. He was so close to getting his teacher android OB-1 working. Something was preventing him from turning on, and he couldn't sleep until he found it. He scoured the code, the product of so many hours of monotonous labor. He was so close...

A thrill of discovery shocked him, and he edited a section with a spreading grin. This had to work, he was so sure. He updated the code and turned OB-1 on with shaking hands. The android opened its eyes, turning its head to look at him.

"Hello there."


Nine of Pentacles  |  Senator AU    

Anakin stood at the edge of the garden party, uncomfortable in his modest tunics among the general splendor. He watched Senator Kenobi flit from person to person, his charming smile never slipping. His robes were golden and embroidered, making him look so handsome, watching him was a bit like staring at the sun.

"He's very pretty," Ahsoka said, appearing at his elbow and startling him. "Very... fancy."

Anakin sighed. "Anything suspicious?"

"Nothing," she shrugged, grabbing a canapé.

Anakin took it from her hand and ate it himself, making her scowl. "Go check again."

"Enjoy watching your Senator."

"Shut up, Snips."


Ten of Pentacles  |  Inheritance AU 

"You're serious?" Anakin laughed incredulously, taking the letter and reading it himself. "Why would he do that?"

The solicitor gave him a shrug. "Lord Palpatine updated his will several years ago. I can't speculate as to the reason."

"But this is so much money."

"Indeed," Mr. Kenobi smiled. "It's a title too, Lord Palpatine. You're a peer now."

Anakin just shook his head. It felt like only yesterday he'd been penniless, and now he was one of the wealthiest men in the country. "What happens now?"

"A great deal of paperwork."

Anakin laughed. "Then what?"

"Whatever you want, I assume."


Page of Pentacles  |  Professor AU    

Obi-Wan watched the clock, preparing himself as best he could for his meeting with his TA. The amount of desire he felt made him feel almost sick with guilt. He'd never lusted after a student like this, but Anakin was just... different. He was intense and so shy, so handsome that he looked like he walked off a runway to class, and totally unaware of it.

"Hello, Professor," Anakin greeted him politely, his voice low and melodic. He dropped into a chair, all leather jacket, messy hair, and long legs. "I finished grading."

Obi-Wan sighed, accepting the folder. "Thank you."


Knight of Pentacles  |  Tax Fraud AU    

Anakin glowered as the handsome IRS agent sorted through his box of miscellaneous papers. He’d intentionally mixed all his receipts together, deeply annoyed both that the government had chosen his tiny computer repair company to audit, and that his auditor was this stupidly attractive in his stupidly tidy suit.

Mr. Kenobi meticulously unwrinkled a crushed up ball of receipts, and Anakin watched him work sullenly, crossing his arms. So what if he was sort of delinquent. It's not like Amazon paid taxes either. The auditor finally gave him a flat look. "You really can go."

Anakin scoffed. "I'm not leaving."


Queen of Pentacles  |  Masquerade AU    

Padmé's New Years party this year was masquerade themed, and Anakin loved the anonymity it provided. Meeting new people made him anxious. Wearing a mask made him feel free, and when a man began to chat him up in an alluring voice he was absolutely sure he'd heard before, he hung on every word, flirting back in a way he'd never dare. Midnight came, and the man tugged off their masks for a kiss that made Anakin melt.

"Obi-Wan!" he gaped at his former professor. "Did you know it was me?"

Obi-Wan smiled and tugged on his curls. "Yes, dear."


King of Pentacles  |  Sugar Daddy AU

Obi-Wan watched with a dry mouth as Anakin wiggled out from under the car, a wide grin on his face. He was covered in grease and sweat, his tank showing so much bare skin. "You like it?"

"It's amazing," Anakin gushed, stroking the hood. "You didn't have to..."

"I wanted to," Obi-Wan said fondly. He knew he was spoiling Anakin too much, giving him too many presents, but he just couldn't stop. Not when it made Anakin look at him like he wanted to eat him. “You deserve it, darling.”

Anakin flushed, his voice turning husky and coy. "Thank you."

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading!! I think overall it's hard to pick a favorite but maybe the devil and the two or the knight of wands and the seven of swords, idk. Very hard to choose!

These were very fun to do and I hope to do more someday, there are still so many AUs that I didn't get to, but that's just my desire to see obikin in every AU ever haha. They'll always find each other and be weird about each other, that's just fate, I don't make the rules lol


End Notes

I have been doing these to help keep my creativity going and they've been very fun. If you have a favorite one let me know :)

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