Hi! My name is Will, and I'm a disabled, queer author and artist living in a rural part of the inland northwest of the USA. I have degrees in classics and information science, which I mostly use these days to analyze Star Wars. My thesis for my B.A. in Greek and Latin was about exploring the different words used to mean 'true' and 'truth' in the Homeric dialect and their implications. I specialized in information architecture in my Masters program, greatly enjoying taxonomy and relational database design.
I have spent the last few years digging into the fictional history of the Star Wars prequels era, from c.100bby to 4aby, primarily focusing on the Clone Wars and exploring the lives of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. I've written more than 700k words of fanfic, and am working on a biography of those fictional characters. I am happy to share the research I've done along the way! I also do various kinds of art, my paintings are abstract studies in color and my photography is mostly about landscapes, though I have done some portraits.
I've explored a few different hobbies and interests over the past decade, and the results of those efforts are somewhat scattered over the internet and my hard drive. My plan is to centralize the fruits of my labors (such as they are) in one space that I can point to when I need to explain what I've done with my time. I don't know what I'm going to do with my future, or if any of this is of any value to anyone else, but I wanted to put it all together anyway haha. Enjoy!