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Give Up, Give In
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No Archive Warnings Apply
Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
Additional Tags:
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Anakin Skywalker, Omega Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Top Anakin Skywalker, Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dominant Obi-Wan Kenobi, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Smut, Light Angst, Knotting, Rimming, Anakin Skywalker Has a Big Dick, im thrilled that's a tag, good work team, Service Top, Explicit Consent, Porn with Feelings
Published: 2022-03-18 Words: 7,907 Chapters: 1/1

Give Up, Give In


Qui-Gon Jinn would give Anakin a lecture if he could see how his former Padawan was behaving, Obi-Wan was sure of it. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon and his 352nd battalion were on the other side of the galaxy, fighting the Techno Union, and, thanks to the Council, Obi-Wan was the lucky one who got to deal with the young Knight today instead.

a.k.a. the one where Obi-Wan is dosed with a heat inducer during his mission with Knight Skywalker, and Anakin handles it extremely well.


Give Up, Give In

Qui-Gon Jinn would give Anakin a lecture if he could see how his former Padawan was behaving, Obi-Wan was sure of it. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon and his 352nd battalion were on the other side of the galaxy, fighting the Techno Union, and, thanks to the Council, Obi-Wan was the lucky one who got to deal with the young Knight today instead. 

He took a deep, calming breath, trying to stay collected, despite the powerful ambient scent of the alphas around him. He understood why Anakin was upset: there were hardly any other omegas in the room other than Obi-Wan, but still he couldn’t act this way. Obi-Wan looked back over his shoulder and gave Anakin a pointed glare, looking away only when the alpha stepped back two steps.

They had been assigned together for a covert operation, away from both their troopers, just them two. It was reminiscent of how missions used to be before the war, and it made Obi-Wan almost nostalgic. They were trying to mingle in a seedy cantina, gather information, and interrupt the sale of illegal weapons. Obi-Wan certainly did not need an angry chaperone looming behind him as he tried to speak to the locals. 

He also didn’t need to feel Anakin’s eyes burning a hole in his back. The way that Anakin was watching him was too familiar, and Obi-Wan remembered all too well the first time he’d felt the particular heat of his stare. He’d returned to the Temple on Anakin’s eighteenth birthday, after a two-year rotation through the Mid Rim, and was quite taken aback.

When he’d left, it seemed like Anakin had been an awkward teen, and he’d returned to find a man in his place. This was… annoying. Anakin was suddenly taller than him, still lanky and angular, with big hands and feet, his body so focused on growing up that it had neglected to fill out yet, but he was also, unmistakably, an alpha. 

Obi-Wan was not surprised at his designation. He had predicted that Anakin would be an alpha, ever since he heard from Qui-Gon about Anakin’s temper and how it had become a problem among the other Padawans, but it was something else to see it and smell it— to breathe in the healthy, fresh scent of young alpha that had flooded Qui-Gon’s apartment.

It made the omega inside Obi-Wan want something he shouldn’t have.

Anakin had watched him far too closely during that birthday dinner. He had always been fascinated with Obi-Wan in the past as Qui-Gon’s previous apprentice, always eager for stories about his time as a Knight, but that night, Obi-Wan had felt his hungry eyes like an itch on his skin. He smelled so good— clean, rich, heady pheromones making Obi-Wan’s mouth water. He was so beautiful and strong, his broad shoulders, tanned skin, bright smile. 

Obi-Wan made excuses to leave dinner early, and went out with Quinlan that night instead, drinking heavily at the Outlander, and ultimately sleeping with a coincidentally tan and tall stranger. It would have been just another day, hooking up was hardly a new hobby to him, but he ran into Qui-Gon and Anakin again in the morning on his way to a late breakfast.

Anakin had frozen, and then glared, crowding close to Obi-Wan and demanding to know where he’d been the night before. Qui-Gon had pulled him back, and began to give Anakin a lecture about restraint. Obi-Wan escaped as soon as he could, leaving his former Master to explain why it wasn’t appropriate to bring up the fact that he could smell a stranger’s scent on Obi-Wan’s skin. 

Obi-Wan had volunteered for another tour of the Mid Rim the same day. The next time he had seen Anakin, it was on Geonosis a year later, having been pulled from his mission to go with the Jedi to rescue Qui-Gon from a droid army. Anakin had disappeared in a different gunship before they could talk, but he could still see the intent, heated stare that Anakin sent at him across the arena.

It was so surreal to Obi-Wan, both then and now, how attracted the young alpha acted to him. It made no sense why a handsome, young alpha like him would look at an older, long-suppressed, childless omega like that. Nothing could or would happen, of course, because Obi-Wan suspected that it was unwise at best, no matter how much he wanted him, he shouldn’t…

Obi-Wan caught the stench of a strange alpha that made his nose wrinkle, almost like a wet bantha. He shuddered and Anakin practically escorted him forward and away. Obi-Wan wanted to glare at him again, but didn’t. It was just too hard to look at him. They were both dressed simply in casual civilian clothes, and Anakin looked far too handsome, his Knight’s haircut curling around his ears, his shirt a little too tight on his chest. 

“Stop looming,” Obi-Wan muttered, forcibly pulling his attention away from Anakin’s broad shoulders and back to the room. He hadn’t meant to look. “We need to split up.”

Anakin huffed, displeased. “Are you sure? There are so many alphas in here…”

“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said slowly, and Anakin cringed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Are you suggesting that I need supervision?” 

“No! Of course not.” 

“Then what is the issue?” Obi-Wan asked pointedly. Where was alpha Qui-Gon to deal with this alpha nonsense? 

Anakin had somehow drifted too close again, shooting a dark look around the room. “It’s the other alphas that need supervision.” 

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and subtly pushed him away towards the back of the cantina. “Then supervise them from over there. If you happen to find someone matching the buyer’s description, alert me.” 

“Fine,” Anakin sighed and stalked away. He mostly obeyed Obi-Wan’s commands, which was a small mercy. Obi-Wan immediately missed his scent, but put that observation aside.

He moved up to the bar, and listened with the Force to the currents of energy in the room. He had a bad feeling about something, but it was elusive and unspecific. His eyes tracked possible targets as he got a drink, taking a sip and sliding a tip to the bartender. An alpha who smelled acrid like a leaking hyperdrive slid into the spot next to him, and gave Obi-Wan a predatory smile. It never took long.

Obi-Wan began information gathering, annoyed at the feeling of Anakin continually watching him. The alpha began to chat him up, leaning close to his neck, and Obi-Wan momentarily regretted that he was exposed without his usual high-neck Jedi undertunic, but appreciated that his bare neck was sometimes a tactical advantage. 

He quickly realized that the alpha was not connected with the local crime syndicate, and gently redirected his attention with the Force. The alpha’s inebriated mind was not difficult to influence, and he was quickly sent away. Obi-Wan moved on to the next one, slowly making his way across the room. It was frustrating— nobody seemed to have any connection to the buyer at all.  

It wasn’t long before he began to feel the effects of some sort of drug. He looked at his glass and frowned, annoyed that he hadn’t noticed. He shot a glare at the bartender, and realized that he wasn’t there anymore, replaced by another. Obi-Wan felt a little spike of alarm, and he looked around for Anakin. He could easily feel him in the Force, radiating worry like a beacon. 

Obi-Wan tugged on his attention. “Anakin.”  

“What? What’s wrong?” Anakin’s concerned mental touch was so powerful, Obi-Wan shivered. “You feel sick.”

Obi-Wan nodded, and set his glass down deliberately, breathing steadily through his mouth. The scents of the alphas around him were beginning to change from vaguely repulsive musky alpha pheromones, to increasingly attractive musky alpha pheromones. That was very bad. 

He pushed the thought to Anakin, “I need to leave. Any luck on the buyer?”

“No, not yet. What’s the rush?”

Obi-Wan swallowed, knowing that Anakin wasn’t going to like this. “My drink was tampered with. Generic heat inducer, I think.” 


“Stay calm.” 

“How can I?” Anakin ground out, suddenly at his side, looming over him, speaking too loud for Obi-Wan’s comfort. “You smell like—”

“Calm,” Obi-Wan ordered sternly, and Anakin’s spine straightened, his chin rising, but his eyes were still frighteningly intense. “Do not make a scene. Breathe.”

Anakin obeyed, taking in a deep breath through his nose. His eyes unfocused slightly, his shoulders rising with tension. Obi-Wan lifted his eyebrows and Anakin scowled. “Breathing didn’t help at all. There are too many alphas around and you smell so much like… like…”

Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, acknowledging the point and trying to avoid breathing in more of the surrounding scents himself. They needed to talk somewhere quieter, with cleaner air. He pivoted on his heel and wove his way to the door, confident Anakin would be close behind.

He made it out into the hallway, with Anakin only snarling at one other alpha on the way, which Obi-Wan actually thought was somewhat of an accomplishment. His stomach twisted with arousal, and he felt a surge of worry. He could tell that the scent of his heat was intensifying far too rapidly. Who did this? Why?

Anakin echoed his thoughts, but his voice was much more aggressive. “Obi-Wan, who did this, I’ll…”

“Behave, Anakin.” Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at the alpha, making him back up. “Now is not the time for this. I need to leave. The drug is working very quickly.” 

Anakin nodded and gestured for Obi-Wan to lead the way. “What are we going to do?”

“We?” Obi-Wan said, arching a brow, pointing back to the cantina. “I am going to the ship, and you are going to continue the mission.”

“No!” Anakin sounded appalled.

Obi-Wan gave him a flat look. He didn’t have time for this. “Knight Skywalker, collect yourself, we have a job to do here.”

Anakin shook his head, his expression stubborn. “I can’t just let you go alone. I won’t.”

Obi-Wan sighed, looking past him. It wasn’t that far to the ship. He was a Jedi. He’d be fine. “I’ll be locked in the ship. I will be protected. Go back to work.” 

“No,” Anakin tugged on his sleeve. “We need to go now.” 

“Not we!” Obi-Wan shook his head emphatically, pulling his arm back and out of his grip. “Not until the mission is complete, Anakin. You need to find that buyer.”


“Listen to me. I appreciate that you are feeling an instinctual response right now, but you need to focus.” 

Anakin’s eyes were so wide and imploring, it was impossible to say no to him. “At least let me walk you back to the ship, please. I can’t let you go alone.” 

Obi-Wan sighed. “You have to come back after, Anakin. This is very important.” 

Anakin nodded quickly, probably agreeing without even listening. He gestured toward the spaceport, clearly in a hurry. “Okay, sure, yes. Let’s go.”

“Fine.” Obi-Wan allowed Anakin to shepherd him down the narrow streets back to the port. It wasn’t too late at night, and it wasn’t very crowded, so Obi-Wan insisted to himself that he would have been fine. He could admit that it was still a relief to have an alpha beside him. 

Anakin seemed very aware that Obi-Wan was getting a few looks as they went, and he tentatively laid a hand on the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, nonverbally asking to cover Obi-Wan’s scent and make him seem unavailable. Obi-Wan nodded, and Anakin relaxed slightly, moving closer, his hand weighing heavier on Obi-Wan’s neck.

The effect on Obi-Wan was calming, almost hypnotic. His situational awareness of the street began to decrease, the warm sensation of Anakin’s hand on the back of his neck taking up more and more of his attention. He was breathing in the fresh, strong alpha scent of him walking so close, a possessive thumb resting on the sensitive skin of his mating gland.

Anakin smelled so good; Obi-Wan wanted to roll in it, drown in it. He wanted to press his nose against Anakin’s neck and inhale deep; wanted to lick, suck, and taste his skin. 

He allowed Anakin to guide him toward the ship, feeling increasingly feverish and unsteady. His scent was changing quickly, more quickly than it ever had before. He was falling rapidly into an artificially powerful heat. It was going to hit soon, and it was going to hit hard. It might be short though, that was the one possible benefit. 

He needed to lay down. He was so hot. He was wearing too many clothes.  He already smelled so much like Anakin.  What would it be like to be knotted by the young alpha, fucked full of his come? He wanted Anakin to shove him against that wall, or bend him over that table, or pin him on the ground, just thrust his cock inside, fuck him fast and hard, and come deep inside. 


Obi-Wan groaned with frustration, and Anakin gave him a worried look that he quickly waved off. He needed to be knocked out. 

They reached the ship, and Obi-Wan mindlessly allowed Anakin to walk him up the ramp, through the ship hallways, and to his cabin. He saw his bed, and immediately wanted to crawl inside, pull Anakin down on top of him, and be crushed into the soft blankets, but unfortunately his self-control was not yet gone.

He turned away and rolled his shoulders back, ignoring the fact that he was feeling shakier and shakier. “You need to go back now. Complete the mission.” 

“Obi-Wan…” Anakin’s normally melodic voice was pitched down, low and gentle, sending a shudder down Obi-Wan’s spine, leaking slick. He looked so concerned, his eyes dark and possessive, full of yearning. 

“Go, Anakin,” Obi-Wan ordered. Anakin frowned and opened his mouth, and Obi-Wan raised a hand to prevent him speaking. “Listen to me, the mission—”

“No!” Anakin cut him off, and took two steps forward, his chest almost touching the hand that Obi-Wan was holding up. He was such an alpha in that moment, it was almost overwhelming; his height, his broad shoulders, his intent expression, all of it made Obi-Wan feel cornered in the middle of the room. Cornered and wet. 

“You listen to me now, Obi-Wan. You can boss me around the rest of the time, but right now? I want to take care of you. Let me.” 

Obi-Wan couldn’t break eye contact; his heart was pounding. He felt himself begin to get even more slick at Anakin’s assertive tone, and his overwhelmingly attractive, heady scent. Alpha. His cock throbbed as he watched Anakin unconsciously leaned even closer, his pupils dilated completely, his eyes so black with need.

Anakin’s voice was raspier. “Let me help.”

“When you say help…” Obi-Wan trailed off, licking his lips, mouth feeling too wet.

Anakin blushed, eyes dropping to focus on Obi-Wan’s raised hand. He lifted his own to meet it, and his gloved, metal fingers brushed against Obi-Wan’s hand, stroking up his palm. Obi-Wan shivered, and Anakin laced their fingers together, his voice even lower. “Do you want me to…”


“No!” Obi-Wan blinked, realizing what was happening, and pulled his hand back quickly as though burnt. “You need to leave.” 

Anakin took a step forward into the space vacated by his lowered hand, and he was so close, his alpha scent was so powerful— his alpha wanted to take care of him, why wasn’t he letting him? He would’ve but… the mission, the mission, don’t forget, the mission.

“I want to stay, Obi-Wan. Let me take care of you.” 

“No!” Obi-Wan said sharply. “Go back and complete the mission. I don’t need you here. I need you to go!”

Anakin froze and then blinked twice, pain registering in his eyes briefly as he processed Obi-Wan’s words. He shook his head as if to clear it, backing away, and his wounded expression quickly shifted into one of stubborn resolve, his bottom lip pouting in such an endearing way that made Obi-Wan feel a pang of regret at sending him back. He wanted to bite that lip, suck on it.

“I understand you don’t want me, but…” Anakin said carefully, and made a decisive chopping gesture. “You cannot make me leave you here on the ship alone.” 

Obi-Wan needed him to leave before his resolve crumbled. He pointed at the door. “The mission—”

“I don’t care about the stupid mission,” Anakin growled, furrowing his brow. “The only thing I care about right now is you! I don’t care if you don’t want me. I have to keep you safe!” 

Obi-Wan shuddered, his eyes sliding closed for a moment while he regained control from the needy, thrilled omega part of him that loved that. The words had gone through him like a spike, his cock throbbing. He was getting so slick, he needed to get out of his clothes, he was so hot. Anakin had to leave. Anakin had to fuck him.

“You can’t prioritize me over…”

“Stop it!” Anakin’s volume rose, and Obi-Wan fought every instinct in his body to appease the young alpha, to get him close, not send him away. Anakin was so intense, so focused, so defiant. “Stop telling me what I can and can’t think or do. I’m going to protect you, and you can’t stop me!” 

“The mission,” Obi-Wan repeated himself and pointed again at the door. He pushed the words with the Force to give them extra emphasis. “Now.” 

Anakin’s face was mutinous, but he took two steps back and then turned to leave. He paused in the doorway, and glared at Obi-Wan one last time, breathing deep, eyes flicking up and down as if he were memorizing what he looked like, how he smelled, before storming away.

Obi-Wan closed the door behind him and then rested his hot forehead against the cool metal with a clunk. Why had he done that? He wanted…

It didn’t matter what he wanted. 

The mission.



Anakin was skilled at crying silently. He’d learned at a very young age that making noise while he was being punished only made Watto angrier. He was sure that he would never escape those early lessons. His tears could drip down his cheeks, and his breathing could be rough, but he still wouldn’t sob. 

He squeezed his eyes closed and tried to find his center, pulling himself through a guided meditation that Qui-Gon had taught him. He could hear his former Master’s deep, calm, soothing voice in his mind. Have restraint. Listen to the Force. Breathe. It didn’t help that the sweet scent of Obi-Wan clung to him, reminding him of everything he couldn’t have. 

He wiped his cheeks roughly and opened his eyes, returning to his steady observation of the closed door and empty cargo bay. He knew it was both completely inappropriate and completely pointless to sit guard like this, but he also knew that he couldn’t do anything else. He was a terrible Jedi. He was supposed to be better than this. His omega didn’t want him. 

His attention was drawn to his belt as his comlink lit up. He knew it was Obi-Wan, and that he would lecture him for disobeying orders and abandoning the mission. He didn’t want to hear it, but Obi-Wan's voice was also the only thing he ever wanted to hear. 

He connected it after a long moment of indecision, voice only. “Yes?”

“Why haven’t you left yet?” Obi-Wan said immediately, demanding and reprimanding at once. “Anakin?” 

Anakin shrugged, and wiped his eyes, his voice rough. “No point.”  

There was a pause, and then Obi-Wan’s voice was less strident. “What do you mean?”

It was hard to talk when his throat felt this thick, and his words came out more like a whine; it embarrassed him so much. “There’s no point in me going to try to find the buyer. I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything but worrying if you were safe. I have to stay here.” 

“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said more gently, and Anakin’s eyes slid closed, his chest aching. He wanted his omega so bad, but he didn’t want him back; it hurt so much. “The mission—” 

Anakin cut him off. “I know. I’m not… I’m not like you. I’m not a good Jedi. I can’t go. I can’t leave you here alone and vulnerable. I just can’t…” 

He could hear Obi-Wan’s offended scoff. “I’m not vulnerable. I don’t need you to—” 

“I know!” Anakin said loudly; the sharp pain of Obi-Wan’s repeated rejections still made him cringe every time. “I know you don’t need me, you don’t want me. I won’t bother you again, I promise. You can report me to the Council. I just can’t leave. I have to keep you safe. I can’t think about anything else.” That was a lie. He couldn’t stop thinking about the scent of Obi-Wan’s slick, how good it might feel to fuck inside him, and how he never would. 

There was a long moment of silence, and Anakin tried to stop hyperventilating and calm himself down, with limited success. 

“I only said that I don’t need you.” 

“Don’t…” Anakin swallowed down a hurt whine. “I know that. You don’t have to repeat it.” 

“Let me be clear, I apologize. I never said I don’t want you, Anakin.” 

Anakin blinked, his mind filled with static, and then he looked down at the comlink with alarm. “What?”

Obi-Wan’s voice was so kind, why was it so kind? “You think I don’t want you, and that is incorrect. You are… not an undesirable person, Anakin.” 

Anakin felt a pulse of heat, arousal pooling in his gut. He shifted, adjusting his pants. “Why are you telling me this?” 

Obi-Wan sighed. “I can feel that you’re upset in the Force.” 

“I’m sorry,” Anakin winced and tried to tighten his shields, containing all the hot feelings churning inside. “Is that better?”

“You’re…” Obi-Wan’s voice was so gentle. “You’re sadder than a denied alpha would normally be, Anakin. You’re not angry with me at all. Why?”

Anakin made a face at his comlink. “Why would I be angry at you?”

“For turning you away.” 

“Obi-Wan, I know there’s…” Anakin swallowed thickly, and took an intentionally deep and steady breath through the pain. “I know there’s no version of reality where you let me touch you. There never has been. I know that. I was wrong to ask just now. I forgot. You just smelled so good, and I forgot that you wouldn’t. I’m sorry. I hope you forgive me later for that.”

“There is nothing to forgive,” Obi-Wan said quietly. “You left the room when I asked.” 

Anakin was offended at the idea that he wouldn’t have. “Of course I did.” 

Obi-Wan was silent for a moment, and Anakin could hear his breathing if he listened closely, and he tried to match it. “There is no of course when it comes to alphas, Anakin.” 

“My mom was an omega. I understand.” 

“I’m sorry to hear that you do.” Obi-Wan’s voice was so kind, it made Anakin feel raw and exposed. 

He wiped his eyes roughly. “It’s in the past. I won’t hurt you. I never would.” 

“I know,” Obi-Wan said, reassuring and fond. “You are a good alpha, Anakin.”  

Anakin’s cock throbbed and he took a bracing breath, fixing his posture. Restraint. “I’ll try harder to shield my feelings. I'm sorry to have disturbed you. You don’t have to keep talking to me.” 

Obi-Wan sighed loudly, and Anakin could hear him sit down heavily on the bed, and tried not to picture it, not to imagine standing between his legs, kissing his infuriating mouth, pushing him back and down— filling him with his cock, making him moan and take it, marking him with his come. 

“I want to, is the thing.” Obi-Wan sounded almost wistful. 

Anakin cleared his throat, willing down his arousal. “What?”

“You have a nice voice, Anakin. I like talking to you.” 

“I think…” Anakin swallowed, his chest aching and cock throbbing at the admission. Was that actually true? It was probably just the heat. He squared his shoulders, crushing his hurt down into the dark place he kept everything he wasn’t allowed to feel. “The heat is talking now, and real Obi-Wan will actually kill me later for encouraging that. I’m going to hang up.” 


He hung up. The comlink immediately lit up again, Obi-Wan calling back, and Anakin didn’t answer.

He returned to sadly sitting vigil in the cargo bay, eyes fixed on the far wall. He held his shields down as tight as he could, making himself small, making himself invisible, hiding himself away.

He couldn’t stop picturing Obi-Wan— perfect, composed Obi-Wan— fucking himself with his fingers, wet with slick, naked, sweaty, tangled in his sheets. His skin was so pale, and his cheeks had been so flushed, his clothes disheveled.  

Obi-Wan had been in his dreams for as long as he could remember, his sweet scent, scarcely perceptible underneath his suppressants, had always haunted him. He was so handsome and kind, with his dimples and bright blue eyes, the smooth sound of his accented voice, all of his incredible stories.

He hadn’t been angry Anakin had taken his place as a Padawan after Naboo; he’d come to visit, sparred with him, and been his friend. Anakin had treasured that time together when he didn’t feel so lonely. He’d missed him so much went he went on his kriffing long missions.

He wanted to fuck Obi-Wan so much; the thought of him filled his mind vividly every time he came in his hand, stroking himself fast and imagining Obi-Wan beneath him, the perfect, distant, impossible omega, his omega, he wished, moaning with pleasure. He wanted to come inside him, to suck and bite his neck, mark him up until everyone knew he was Anakin’s only.

“Your shields are terrible.” 

“Sorry,” Anakin grimaced, and then he did a double take at Obi-Wan standing in the doorway.

Oh, no. 

The scent of Obi-Wan’s heat was overwhelming, like a perfectly ripe, sticky sweet fruit, his usual subtle omega scent intensified and turned into a siren’s call, and Anakin wanted to touch him so badly it hurt. He scrambled to his feet, backing away. “What are you doing out of your room?” 

“You hung up on me.” Obi-Wan looked indignant, his cheeks red underneath his beard. The neck of his shirt was loose and open, and Anakin could see how the flush spread down his neck to his chest. 

He inhaled deeply despite himself, and instantly regretted it, his cock twitching, half-hard in his pants. “I did.” 

“You can’t do that.” 

“Can too.”

Obi-Wan scoffed and came closer, and Anakin began breathing through his mouth. He was so aware of the closing distance between them, the inches disappearing as Obi-Wan approached. He looked so aroused and displeased, and Anakin hated that, but there was nothing he could do. 

“Obi-Wan, please, don’t…” Anakin said weakly, holding up his hands to ward him back, and the irony of the situation was not lost on him. Obi-Wan’s scent was making his mouth water and his cock ache. “You smell like… This is too hard for me. Please go back to your room.”  

Obi-Wan stopped, studying him closely. “You really won’t go and do the mission, will you?”

“Stop asking me that,” Anakin growled, and rubbed his face with both hands, trying to block Obi-Wan’s scent, hiding his expression. “My answer isn’t changing. You can’t make me leave. Report me later.”

Obi-Wan looked at him for a very long time, and then nodded as if he’d made a decision. He pulled on Anakin’s shirt. “Come with me back to the room.” 

Anakin’s face crumpled, and he took another step back, hitting the wall. “Don’t say that.” 

“What do you mean?” Obi-Wan was so close, his dark eyes flicking between Anakin’s, intently seeking an answer.

Anakin felt a tear threatening to drop, and set his jaw, almost light headed from lack of air. He looked past Obi-Wan at the far wall. His voice was rough. “You sent me out here when your head was more clear. You’re not thinking straight, Obi-Wan. This is the heat…” 

Obi-Wan took another step and he was so close that Anakin couldn’t help but lean his head forward and inhale deeply, burying his face in Obi-Wan’s neck, his mouth watering at the scent. His cock ached and leaked in his pants. He could lick him from here, lick his hot skin, taste his sweat. He jerked back, and pushed Obi-Wan away. “Fuck, I want you so much, don’t do this to me. Don’t be cruel.”

Obi-Wan looked surprised. “You’ve wanted me since you were a teenager, and I say you can have me, and you say no.”

“It doesn’t matter what I want.” Anakin swallowed thickly, embarrassed that Obi-Wan knew about the length of his crush. Of course he did. “You aren’t yourself right now. You’d never forgive me if I did.”

“Anakin, darling, I already told you there’s nothing to forgive.” 

“Don’t…” The tear dropped, and Anakin wiped his eyes roughly, annoyed at himself for crying. “Please go.”

Obi-Wan shook his head and pulled out his small datapad, frowning down at it and navigating through screens quickly. Anakin watched, breathing shallowly, so confused until Obi-Wan eventually held it out, making Anakin take it. 

Anakin stared blankly down at the screen. Obi-Wan had signed into his medical profile and was showing him his chart. Why? He read down further, and his breath caught: under contacts, there was a section for the names of people Obi-Wan wanted to have called to assist if he went into unscheduled heat, but there was only one name. 

It was right there, the letters stark and clear: Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin blinked in incomprehension. He studied the modification date, his mind blank. He didn’t understand. “This is dated to just after Geonosis.” 

Obi-Wan nodded briskly, taking it back and stowing it away. “You recall they made us update our charts. Unassisted heat is occasionally medically taxing, you know. It is certainly uncomfortable.” 

“You…” Anakin stared at him, trying to understand. “You chose me? Really?”

Obi-Wan blushed, and his eyes dropped to stare at Anakin’s chest, sliding farther down. Anakin’s cock twitched, almost completely hard by now at Obi-Wan’s insistent proximity, and he knew the thick length of it was increasingly visible in his pants. Obi-Wan’s eyes stopped there and stayed. He swallowed, and licked his lips. 

Anakin was dying, he just couldn’t believe… “I’m allowed?”

“Yes, Anakin.” Obi-Wan met his eyes again, reaching up to stroke his face, fingertips sliding along his cheekbone. He smiled crookedly, eyes so full of desire, it was impossible. “Alpha.”

Anakin inhaled sharply, the brushing contact burning and intense. His hands jumped without permission to Obi-Wan’s shirt, yanking him close. “You won’t get mad at me?”

Obi-Wan allowed himself to be dragged forward, his voice quiet. “I won’t.” 

Anakin buried his face back into Obi-Wan’s neck, inhaling deeply and then licking the maddening scent gland like he’d wanted to since the cantina, and moaned when Obi-Wan’s skin tasted so good, so perfect, his omega, he couldn’t believe it. “You really won’t hate me?”

Obi-Wan’s hands slid into his hair, scratching his scalp and holding him close, whispering in his ear. “I promise you, Anakin, we will talk about your failure to return to the mission later, but if you’re insistent on staying here… I do want you, very much.” 

Anakin whined, dragging his lips up the hot, flushed skin of Obi-Wan’s neck to kiss under his jaw, against his beard, holding him close. Obi-Wan made a soft, pleased sound that went straight to his cock, an almost painful pulse of arousal. Anakin flipped their positions, putting Obi-Wan’s back against the wall and kissing him deeply, licking between his lips, and tasting his mouth. 

Obi-Wan parted his lips, let him in, kissed him back.

Anakin groaned, his hands sliding down to grab Obi-Wan’s ass, his hips jerking forward when he felt the wetness of Obi-Wan’s slick through his pants. He broke the kiss, breathing hard, and brought his fingers to his mouth. Obi-Wan watched him suck them clean with heavy-lidded eyes, breathing just as hard. 

“Omega,” Anakin groaned at the taste. He needed more. “So good.”

Obi-Wan flushed, his hips rocking forward, rubbing the length of his hard cock against Anakin’s. He looked flustered. “Since when do you have a cock this big, Anakin?” 

Anakin huffed a laugh, he felt almost high on his omega’s slick, light-headed and loose. “I’m not sure whether to be offended that you thought it would be smaller or pleased that you think it’s big.”

Obi-Wan kissed him again, and Anakin crushed him against the wall, his flesh hand cushioning his head, the other draped around his neck, thumb rubbing his mating gland. Obi-Wan whimpered, and Anakin felt a swell of satisfaction. He did it again, and Obi-Wan whispered emphatically, “Bed, now.” 

Anakin reached down, grabbing the back of Obi-Wan’s thighs and pulling them up around his hips. Obi-Wan’s arms jumped and wrapped around his neck quickly, and he huffed with indignation as Anakin began to carry him through the ship. “I can walk.”

“I’m aware,” Anakin murmured, licking his neck again, and moving them quickly back towards Obi-Wan’s cabin. He could feel Obi-Wan’s hard cock pressed against his stomach, and his fingertips were touching his slick; he felt lightheaded with his scent. “You smell so good, I want you close.” He could feel Obi-Wan’s embarrassed pleasure in the Force, and licked his neck again fondly. “You drive me insane.”

It wasn’t long until Anakin dropped Obi-Wan on his bed, looking down at him with a burning sense of satisfaction to finally have his omega exactly where he’d imagined so many times. Obi-Wan looked just like one of his fantasies too, his chest was so broad and strong as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, exposing so much bare, flushed skin, a light trail of hair leading down beneath his pants.

Anakin mirrored him, tossing off his shirt, desperate to be naked. He pulled off his pants and boots, kicking them all off too, and then Obi-Wan made an indignant noise, pausing as he kicked off his own. Anakin frowned at him. “What?”

“That is absurd,” Obi-Wan complained, sitting up and parting his legs so that Anakin could come stand between them. Anakin moved closer, his cock swaying slightly as he walked. His eyes were fixed on the soft, pale skin of Obi-Wan’s inner thighs, where he could see the slightest sheen of slick, and the potent, sweet scent of it was intoxicating.

He cleared his throat. “What’s absurd?”

“This,” Obi-Wan wrapped a calloused hand around his thick cock and tugged it gently, and Anakin groaned at the firm pressure. Obi-Wan shot him a mischievous glance, and then licked the tip. “Absurd, alpha.”

Anakin made a pleased noise low in his throat as Obi-Wan sucked on the head, his tongue swirling around. He stroked a hand through Obi-Wan’s hair like he’d always wanted to, fingers sliding through the soft copper strands. “I’m glad you like it.”

Obi-Wan pulled back and huffed a laugh, looking up with a wry smile. “I’d like it a lot more if it were inside me.”

“I can do that.” 

Anakin pushed Obi-Wan back, crawling on top of him and dragging him up the bed underneath him, touching as much of his naked skin at once as he possibly could. Obi-Wan allowed him to move him, groaning as his cock rubbed against Anakin’s stomach, and then they were all tangled together.

Anakin relished the rough feeling of Obi-Wan’s beard on his face as he kissed him, something he’d imagined for so long, and now it was real. Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted so good, and he smelled so perfect, his slick and sweat were making Anakin’s head spin. He was pretty sure that he could kiss him forever.

Obi-Wan whined and shifted beneath him, opening his legs wider, and Anakin pulled back, looking down at him fondly, trying to memorize everything about how it felt to have Obi-Wan under him. He was so perfect.  

He began to kiss his way down Obi-Wan’s neck and chest, stopping to rub his cheek against Obi-Wan’s chest hair and suck on one of his small nipples. Obi-Wan’s hips rocked up and he made the most incredible sound of pleasure as he did, and Anakin was sure he would hear it every time he jerked off until he died.

He huffed a despairing laugh. “This is going to ruin me.” 

“Why?” Obi-Wan scoffed breathily, and then whined as Anakin slid his flesh hand down his stomach and wrapped it gently around his leaking cock. His head fell back against the pillow as Anakin stroked his hard length gently. “I don’t understand why you want me so much. I’m so much older than you.” 

It was Anakin’s turn to scoff. “You smell so good to me, Obi-Wan. You always have.” He sat back on his knees and pushed Obi-Wan’s legs further apart, metal fingers collecting Obi-Wan’s slick and bringing it to his mouth again. “You taste so fucking good, I’m going to want you again every day for the rest of my life.” 

Obi-Wan shook his head, full of disbelief and embarrassment. “Anakin…”

“Can I taste you more first?” Anakin asked, his metal fingers stroking between his legs, gathering more slick. He felt addicted to it, the sweet, intense, pure taste of his omega, and he wanted to taste him at the source. “Obi-Wan, can I lick you?”

Obi-Wan was so flushed, his voice so flustered. “Yes, if you want.”

Anakin immediately rolled him over to his belly and tugged him up to his knees. He pushed Obi-Wan’s legs apart, and Obi-Wan tipped his hips forward perfectly, perfectly to reveal the shiny, pink skin of his slick hole. Anakin groaned, squeezing the soft muscles of his ass and spreading them apart wider to look, trying to memorize it. “Dreamed of this.” 

Obi-Wan made a low, needy sound, and Anakin bent down, burying his face between Obi-Wan’s legs, enthusiastically licking and exploring the sensitive skin with his tongue. Obi-Wan’s scent was so intense here, his skin so smooth under a layer of soft hair. He was so impossibly slick, and only seemed to get wetter as Anakin licked him clean.  

Anakin brought a hand around to begin stroking Obi-Wan’s hard cock, and he could feel Obi-Wan’s pleasure rising and coiling in the Force. He was already so close, his heat pushing him to the edge. He pressed slightly harder with his tongue, circling it around the rim and then pressing it inside. He twisted his wrist at the same time, and Obi-Wan abruptly came, groaning, “Anakin.”

The scent of his come made Anakin groan loudly, rocking his hips down against the mattress. “Fuck, Obi-Wan.”

“Yes,” Obi-Wan laughed and slumped forward, looking back over his shoulder, and he was so beautiful, his face flushed and eyes hazy with pleasure. “Do that.”

Anakin’s heart felt so full. He wanted to just mount and fuck Obi-Wan down into the mattress, pound him relentlessly until he was limp and drooling, but that was a bad idea. “I don’t trust myself not to mate you like this.” 

Obi-Wan frowned at him, eyes slightly sharper, cheeks flushed crimson. “How can you possibly want me so much?”

Anakin shrugged. He didn’t know how to say that he was almost certain that he loved him, without saying that he did. “You smell really good.” 

Obi-Wan surprised him, abruptly using a familiar wrestling move that he’d used before while sparring to bring Anakin down onto his back and switch their places, ending up sitting on his stomach. Anakin blinked up at him in surprise, his hands reflexively jumping up to hold Obi-Wan’s slim hips. 

Obi-Wan looked down at him with satisfaction. “We’ll do it like this then.” 

“Don’t you—” Anakin began to ask, words breaking off when Obi-Wan began to line himself up to sit on his cock. He whined as Obi-Wan rubbed the head against his entrance, not yet sliding him inside. “Don’t you want me to knot you?” 

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”

“Won’t that be uncomfortable for both of us like this? I read—” 

“Not terribly,” Obi-Wan laughed, and smiled down at him. He was so beautiful. “But we can switch positions before you knot me, if you are so concerned.”

Anakin shook his head, hands squeezing Obi-Wan’s hips fondly. “Obi-Wan, omega, I’m not going to be able to last that long. I’m pretty sure I’ll come as soon as my cock is in you.”

“You’re absurd,” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. “It’s not that uncomfortable like this, I promise. Haven't you knotted anyone before?”

“No,” Anakin admitted, and then groaned loudly as Obi-Wan let the tip of his cock begin to slide inside his tight, slick heat. His grip on Obi-Wan’s hips tightened as he fought the urge to thrust his hips up, his voice slightly strained. “I only wanted you, Obi-Wan.”

Obi-Wan made an almost hurt noise at that, and Anakin met his eyes, unashamed. “Why would I want anyone else?”

Obi-Wan just shook his head incredulously and rocked his hips, pushing back and down, taking the thick head of Anakin’s cock inside completely. His mouth fell open and he panted, his skin shimmering with sweat. “Anakin.”

“Yeah,” Anakin agreed, holding eye contact and nodding encouragingly. “Yes.”

Obi-Wan adjusted slowly around him, taking his cock inch by inch, and the small cabin was so hushed, filled with the sound of their loud breathing. Anakin still couldn’t believe this was happening at all, and was desperately clinging to his control, the hot, slick pressure of Obi-Wan’s body was maddening— the way he felt around his cock was so perfect, so impossibly good, his omega. 

“Feel so good,” Anakin moaned, and he reached up to pull Obi-Wan’s face closer by the neck, feeling a desperate need to kiss him.

Obi-Wan leaned forward to allow it, kissing him back, sloppy and slow, as he rocked his hips and took the last of Anakin’s cock inside with a quiet groan. He’d taken the whole thing.

“You like that?” Anakin asked, voice almost unrecognizably low. “Like my cock?”

Obi-Wan nodded and exhaled hard, letting himself adjust for a long moment before experimentally rolling his hips, sliding up and down the length Anakin’s hard cock. His eyes were full of that perfectly hazy, pleased look, mouth open and panting. “Your cock is absurd, alpha, yes.”

“Good,” Anakin flexed his hips back and carefully pushed them up, fucking up into Obi-Wan for the first time. They both groaned and Obi-Wan bent his head forward so their foreheads pressed together, overwhelmed by the sensation.

He pulled back, and Anakin couldn’t look away from his face. Obi-Wan was so pretty, stuffed full of cock. “You feel so fucking good, Obi-Wan.” He withdrew and then snapped his hips up again, making Obi-Wan groan and mutter indistinctly. His breath was hot on Anakin’s mouth, and he pulled him back down to kiss again. It was so perfect, he tasted so good, felt so good.

Anakin moaned as their tongues rubbed together, his hips speeding up, and it felt like he was falling up; Obi-Wan’s hot, sweet body was so perfect above him. He was taking his cock so well, so open and wet, spreading his legs and holding still at just the right angle, letting Anakin fuck inside faster.

He was so perfect.

Anakin’s cock slid in and out so easily, and Obi-Wan was so hot and open around him, soft and slick. The sound of their hips slapping together began to fill the small cabin, and Obi-Wan groaned, going limp, relaxing back and taking his cock.

”So perfect,” Anakin kissed down his neck, licking where his scent was strongest, and he could feel the beginning of his knot swelling. He groaned against Obi-Wan’s skin, his teeth almost aching with how much he wanted to bite into the soft skin. “I’m going to—”

“Wait,” Obi-Wan gasped, and pulled back, sitting back up. The alpha inside of Anakin growled, wanting his omega’s neck back. Anakin wrestled that need back, focusing instead on the expression of pleasure on Obi-Wan’s face. Obi-Wan bit his lip, looking down at him with so much affection. He ran a hand through his curls, grabbing and tugging. “There we go. Knot me, alpha, I need it, need you.”

Need you. Anakin gaped at that, the rhythm of his hips stuttering. His orgasm was totally predictable, and still his orgasm took him completely by surprise. Need you.

He groaned loudly, his head curling forward as his orgasm crashed up and through him. The pleasure of his release was overwhelming, and his hands tightened on Obi-Wan’s hips. He could feel hot pulses of come spilling from his cock as his knot swelled, locking him inside.

Obi-Wan whimpered, his hips rocking slightly as he took Anakin's knot. His hand moved quickly on his own cock, jerking himself off, using his own slick and come as lube. His voice was breathy and incredulous. “Your knot… it’s absurd. So big.”

Anakin could smell that Obi-Wan was approaching orgasm again, and he grinned stupidly, stroking Obi-Wan’s strong thighs in appreciation. “You like it.”

“Yes, alpha,” Obi-Wan panted, too aroused to be coy. Anakin shifted his hips slightly, trying to rub his knot against every sensitive place inside of Obi-Wan, and push him over the edge. Obi-Wan’s eyes rolled back, and he groaned, his come spilling into his hand, filling his fist and dripping onto Anakin’s stomach. “Anakin.” 

Anakin closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, the combination of slick, come, sweat, all of it was so rich and sweet. Obi-Wan was so tight and hot around his knot, his come was so deep inside him. He had no idea how long it would last, and never wanted it to end. He blinked up at Obi-Wan, and memorized his face. He wanted to remember this forever, if it never happened again. 

“What?” Obi-Wan said, looking pleasure drunk and sleepy. It was such a good look on him, Anakin needed to kiss him again, or he would die. He tugged him down, and Obi-Wan let himself be pulled close, kissing him back lazily. Anakin held him tight against his chest, wanting to keep and hold him there forever. 

Obi-Wan sighed, pressing their foreheads together for a moment before sitting back up, shifting so that he wasn’t tugging on Anakin’s knot. “See? Not uncomfortable.”

Anakin’s thumbs rubbed circles on Obi-Wan’s thighs. “I’d rather have my face against your neck.”

“Well,” Obi-Wan shrugged, and gestured vaguely. “That’s unwise. This is what you get.”

“And it’s great, thank you,” Anakin said quickly, trying to be very clear about how much he appreciated being exactly where he was. “Thank you so much.”

Obi-Wan laughed at him, his eyes bright with humor, and Anakin felt a corresponding swell of happiness. “What’s funny?”

“It’s usually the omega that is supposed to be grateful, Anakin. Have you ever watched any holoporn before?”

“Uhh…” Anakin coughed. “Yes, some. But… this is different. You didn’t have to let me do this.”

Obi-Wan’s smile was soft. “I wanted you to.”

“Thank you,” Anakin whispered again, returning his smile shyly. “I wanted you too.”


End Notes


Thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think!! It's always bothered me the way that top/bottom and dom/sub are conflated, when they're not the same. So, this is another contribution to the service top Anakin genre lol.

Updated: title changed from Heartless because it bothered me as being not quite right. This is better imho 💙

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